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Cutting through the AI hype:

A no-nonsense AI approach for your business

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Learning Objectives for the Workshop "Cutting through the AI Hype: A No-Nonsense Approach for Your Business":

  1. Understand the Fundamentals of AI: Gain a clear understanding of what AI is, how it works, and its potential applications in the business context. Learn to differentiate between AI realities and exaggerated claims, debunking the hype surrounding AI.

  2. Develop an AI Vision: Learn how to develop an AI Vision, Roadmap and strategy that aligns with your organization's goals and objectives. Understand the key components of an effective AI strategy that works for you, including business process and data requirements, infrastructure needs, talent acquisition, and integration with existing processes, policies and compliance requirements.

  3. Identify Relevant AI Use Cases and Quick Wins: Explore ideas to identify practical use cases where AI can deliver value and address specific business challenges. Learn how to assess feasibility, potential benefits, and risks associated with AI implementation.

  4. Plan for Successful AI Implementation: Gain insights into the best practices for successful AI implementation. Learn how to create an implementation roadmap, establish performance metrics and ROI measurement, and mitigate potential risks associated with AI adoption. Understand the importance of change management and stakeholder engagement in driving successful AI initiatives.

  5. Identify Next Steps and Create an Action Plan: Once you have gained an understanding of AI fundamentals, identified relevant use cases and initial quick wins, and discussed what is required for successful implementation, this step focuses on translating your learnings into actionable next steps.

By the end of this workshop, you will have the knowledge and tools to understand the fundamentals of AI, plan for successful AI implementation, identify initial AI quick wins, develop an AI strategy, and leverage AI to drive growth and success in your business.

Workshop Summary

Learning Objectives

In a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly important topic for businesses, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Many companies are bombarded with buzzwords and hype, making it difficult to know how to approach AI in a practical and effective way.


That's where our workshop comes in. With a no-nonsense approach, we'll cut through the noise and provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to understand and leverage AI for your business.


From identifying AI use cases to developing an AI strategy and implementation plan, we'll help you navigate the complexities of AI and set your organization up for success.


Alex Goryachev

Strategic Advisor. Speaker.

Target Audiences

This workshop is designed for business professionals, including business unit leaders, operations professionals, managers, decision-makers, and strategists, who are seeking a practical and no-nonsense approach to understanding and leveraging AI for their organizations' success and are eager to walk away with an actionable plan to implement AI strategies effectively.

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Alex Goryachev

Strategic Advisor. Speaker.
Alex Goryachev


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